Sample Refinement

When a new sample has been mounted and the first scan collected, NXRefine provides a set of tools to prepare the data for transformation into S(Q). These are normally run using NeXpy dialogs accessible from the Refine Menu described below, which are used to select parameters for use in the data reduction, perform an analysis of all the collected frames in order to enable, for example, absorption corrections for each frame and other diagnostic information, launch a peak search function to identify all the Bragg peaks embedded in the data, define the sample space group, determine and optimize the sample orientation based on the Bragg peak assignments, and generate the Q-mesh used when transforming the data to reciprocal space. Typically, these steps are performed after the first sample rotation scan, often at room temperature or while the sample is cooling. The results of this process are stored in the associated NeXus scan file, which then is designated the “parent” file, from which all the other scans copy their initial orientation before the automated refinement. This allows the data from the remaining scans to be reduced by the automated workflow.

The only requirement is that all the scans use the same experimental configuration as the parent and that the same sample space group can be used to orient all the scans. The unit cell parameters and orientation matrix are refined by a least-squares optimization of the Bragg peak locations identified in each new scan. If there is a significant change in the space group at a structural phase transition, it may be necessary to define different scan files as the parent for scans performed above or below the transition, respectively.

In this section, we will describe the structure of the NeXus files as well as details of how the NeXpy GUI dialogs in the Refine Menu can be used to prepare the files for subsequent analyis.


NeXus files

The scan files are stored using the hierarchical NeXus format, in which the data for each scan are stored in groups, or entries, conforming to the NXentry base class. There is one entry for each sample rotation scan, usually labelled f1, f2, f3, etc., although the number of such scans can vary. There is also a top-level entry (called ‘entry’), which contains the metadata that is common to all the rotation scans, as well as the results of merging the reduced data from each one.

In the example on the right, most of the items are also groups corresponding to different base classes, that contain either raw data, reduced data, metadata, or information resulting from each component of the workflow. When the NeXus file is loaded into NeXpy, its contents can be inspected in a tree view, such as the one shown here. Here are a few examples.


This is a group that contains instrumental parameters, such as the incident wavelength, detector distance, goniometer angles, and attenuators. It also stores the powder calibration data and parameters.


This group contains the sample information, including the chemical formula, unit cell parameters, space and Laue groups, and sample environment parameters, such as temperature. NXRefine assumes that the sample parameters are independent of the particular rotation scan, so all the sample groups are linked to the one stored in the ‘entry’ group.

If the beam supports the import of monitor data from metadata files, there will be one or more groups, called monitor1, monitor2, etc, in the entries for each rotation scan. These contain the beamline monitor values for each frame, which can be used to normalize to changes in the incident flux during the rotation.


The import of monitor data is governed by the NXBeamLine class, or its sub-class customized for a specific beamline.

There are a number of groups in the entries for each rotation scan that contain the results of some of the analysis.


This group contains the results of all the Bragg peaks identified by the peak search, such as their pixel coordinates on the detector, their polar and azimuthal angles, and intensities. These are used to determine the sample orientation matrix, using the ‘Refine Lattice’ dialog.


This group contains a sum of all the frames after azimuthal averaging using the powder calibration to define the beam center. The sum is stored in a NXdata group for plotting as a function of polar angle. This should be approximately equivalent to a powder average of the single crystal data.


This group contains a sum of all the frames in a NXdata group for plotting as a 2D image, with the pixel numbers as axes.


This group contains a one-dimensional array produced by summing each frame. It is stored in a NXdata group for plotting against the frame number. In more recent versions of NXRefine, it also contains a partial sum produced by summing the frames between the specified Q-limits.

Refine Menu

The NXRefine plugin to NeXpy installs a top-level menu labelled “Refine”, which allows parameters required for the data reduction workflow to be initialized.

Choose Parameters

This dialog allows the parameters used in the data reduction workflow to be specified for a particular scan file.


The following parameters are defined.

Peak Threshold

This defines the minimum intensity used to identify a scattering feature as a potential Bragg peak. In the Find Peaks algorithm, a first-moment analysis is performed on peaks that exceed this threshold, with Bragg peaks on successive frames merged to form one peak.

First Frame

This is the first frame in the rotation scan to be included in subsequent analyses. The default is 10.

Last Frame

This is the last frame in the rotation scan to be included in subsequent analyses. The default is 3640, based on the assumption that a complete rotation contains 3650 frames.

Max. Polar Angle

This is the maximum scattering angle that is to be included in refinments of the orientation matrix.

HKL Tolerance

This tolerance in path within the experiment directory to the NXRefine sub-directories. In the above example, this would be nxrefine.

Copy Parameters

This dialog allows parameters to be copied from a parent scan file. This step is normally performed automatically as part of the data reduction workflow.

Find Maximum

This dialog performs a scan of all the collected frames in order to generate different views of the raw data for diagnostic purposes. The dialog allows a number of frames at the beginning and end of the rotation scan to be excluded.


Find Peaks

This dialog creates a pixel mask that is used to exclude bad pixels from further analysis. As described above, when a new configuration file is created, a pixel mask that excludes gaps between detector chips is automatically added. Additional pixels can be excluded using this dialog, either by adding editable shapes that are constructively added to the existing mask or by importing the mask from an external file, which can store the mask in any image format. The latter is useful if a beamline regularly updates a particular detector’s mask as bad pixels are identified.

Prepare 3D Mask

This dialog has the single purpose of creating a directory tree for a new sample. The dialog enables the creation of a sample directory within the requested experiment directory and a sub-directory with a unique label for each instance of that sample measured during an experiment.


Calculate Angles

This dialog is used to create a NeXus file in preparation for an experimental measurement. The file will be based on the selected configuration file and be saved in the specified sample/label directory. The name of the file will be “<sample>_<scan>.nxs”, where <scan> is the Scan Label specified in the dialog (‘300K’ in the image below).

Define Lattice

This dialog is for instruments in which the scans are already defined using different methods to those above. For example, on the QM2 instrument at CHESS, the scans are defined in SPEC files, with the data stored separately in a separate read-only directory. With this dialog, the directories containing the raw images are associated with the corresponding SPEC scan, allowing NeXus files to be automatically generated. This customization is encoded in a QM2 sub-class of the NXBeamLine class, which is installed separately as a NXRefine plugin. The process for customizing other beamlines is described later.

Refine Lattice

This dialog allows data in NeXus files collected under identical conditions to be summed to produce a single NeXus file that can be processed using the usual workflow.

Transform Data

This dialog allows the settings, whose default values are defined in the server directory (see Default Settings), to be customized for the data reduction performed in the selected experiment. The settings are stored in <experiment>/tasks/settings.ini. The meanings of each setting are described in the next section.