Data Reduction

In order to reduce raw data collected as images (or frames) on an area detector as a function of sample rotation angle and transform the results into reciprocal space maps, i.e., S(Q), NXRefine performs the following steps:

  • combining the frames into a single three-dimensional array.

  • harvesting metadata collected during the sample rotations.

  • summing detector frames to facilitate absorption corrections.

  • searching for Bragg peaks embedded within the raw data.

  • defining an orientation matrix.

  • transforming the raw data into reciprocal space coordinates.

When multiple sample rotations are performed to collect a single data set, these steps have to be applied to each rotation scan and the results merged to produce a single three-dimensional array representing S(Q). Optionally, NXRefine also transforms the data after applying masks that eliminate spurious signals caused by the scattering of Bragg peaks within the detector sensor layer.

Once the data has been transformed into S(Q), it is possible to generate 3D-ΔPDF maps, which transform the data back into real space, producing difference Patterson maps, i.e., maps of interatomic vector probabilities, which differ from the average crystalline structure. In this way, continuous distributions of diffuse scattering intensity are typically reduced to discrete peaks, with positive and negative intensities, representing these probability differences. NXRefine implements the “punch-and-fill” method, described by Weber and Simonov.

Nearly all of the steps in the NXRefine data reduction workflow can either be performed from the command line or launched from a NeXpy GUI. The exception is determining the crystal orientation, which must first be performed using the Refine Lattice dialog in NeXpy. Once the sample orientation has been determined from one of the measurements, e.g., at room temperature, it can be copied and refined automatically when reducing the data from other measurements, provided the space group has not changed or is still compatible with the observed Bragg peaks.


Load data

usage: nxload [-h] -d DIRECTORY [-e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]] [-o] [-q]

Load raw data

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        scan directory
  -e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...], --entries ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]
                        names of entries to be loaded
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite existing peaks
  -q, --queue           add to server task queue


Copy data

usage: nxcopy [-h] -d DIRECTORY [-e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]] [-p PARENT] [-o] [-q]

Copy instrument parameters from a parent file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        scan directory
  -e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...], --entries ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]
                        names of entries to be searched
  -p PARENT, --parent PARENT
                        file name of file to copy from
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite existing peaks
  -q, --queue           add to server task queue


usage: nxmax [-h] -d DIRECTORY [-e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]] [-f FIRST] [-l LAST] [-o] [-m] [-q]

Find maximum counts of the signal in the specified path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        scan directory
  -e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...], --entries ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]
                        names of entries to be processed
  -f FIRST, --first FIRST
                        first frame
  -l LAST, --last LAST  last frame
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite existing maximum
  -m, --monitor         monitor progress in the command line
  -q, --queue           add to server task queue


usage: nxfind [-h] -d DIRECTORY [-e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]] [-t THRESHOLD] [-f FIRST] [-l LAST] [-P PIXELS] [-o] [-p PARENT] [-m] [-q]

Find peaks within the NeXus data

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        scan directory
  -e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...], --entries ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]
                        names of entries to be searched
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        peak threshold
  -f FIRST, --first FIRST
                        first frame
  -l LAST, --last LAST  last frame
  -P PIXELS, --pixels PIXELS
                        minimum pixels between peaks
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite existing peaks
  -p PARENT, --parent PARENT
                        The parent .nxs file to use
  -m, --monitor         monitor progress in the command line
  -q, --queue           add to server task queue


usage: nxrefine [-h] -d DIRECTORY [-e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]] [-l] [-p POLAR_MAX] [-T HKL_TOLERANCE] [-o] [-q]

Refine lattice parameters and goniometer angles

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        scan directory
  -e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...], --entries ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]
                        names of entries to be processed
  -l, --lattice         refine lattice parameters
  -p POLAR_MAX, --polar_max POLAR_MAX
                        maximum polar angle in degrees
                        tolerance for including peak in Å-1
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite existing maximum
  -q, --queue           add to server task queue


usage: nxprepare [-h] -d DIRECTORY [-e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]] [--t1 T1] [--h1 H1] [--t2 T2] [--h2 H2] [-o] [-m] [-q]

Prepare 3D mask around Bragg peaks

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        scan directory
  -e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...], --entries ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]
                        names of entries to be processed
  --t1 T1               threshold for smaller convolution
  --h1 H1               size of smaller convolution
  --t2 T2               threshold for larger convolution
  --h2 H2               size of larger convolution
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite existing mask
  -m, --monitor         monitor progress in the command line
  -q, --queue           add to server task queue


usage: nxtransform [-h] -d DIRECTORY [-e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]] [-qh QH QH QH] [-qk QK QK QK] [-ql QL QL QL] [-R] [-M] [-o] [-q]

Perform CCTW transform

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        scan directory
  -e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...], --entries ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]
                        names of entries to be processed
  -qh QH QH QH          Qh - min, step, max
  -qk QK QK QK          Qk - min, step, max
  -ql QL QL QL          Ql - min, step, max
  -R, --regular         perform regular transform
  -M, --mask            perform transform with 3D mask
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite existing transforms
  -q, --queue           add to server task queue


usage: nxcombine [-h] [-d DIRECTORY] [-e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]] [-R] [-M] [-o] [-q]

Combine CCTW transforms

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        scan directory
  -e ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...], --entries ENTRIES [ENTRIES ...]
                        names of entries to be combined.
  -R, --regular         combine transforms
  -M, --mask            combine transforms with 3D mask
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite existing transform
  -q, --queue           add to server task queue


usage: nxpdf [-h] -d DIRECTORY [-l [LAUE]] [-r RADIUS] [-Q QMAX] [-R] [-M] [-o] [-q]

Calculate PDF transforms

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        scan directory
  -l [LAUE], --laue [LAUE]
                        Laue group to be used if different from file
  -r RADIUS, --radius RADIUS
                        radius of punched holes in Å-1
  -Q QMAX, --Qmax QMAX  Maximum Q in Å-1 used in PDF tapers
  -R, --regular         Calculate using regular transforms
  -M, --mask            Calculate using masked transforms
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite existing transforms
  -q, --queue           add to server task queue


usage: nxserver [-h] [-d [DIRECTORY]] [-t TYPE] [-n NODES [NODES ...]] [-c CORES] [-r REMOVE [REMOVE ...]] [command]

Launch server for data reduction workflow

positional arguments:
  command               status|start|stop|list|clear|kill

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d [DIRECTORY], --directory [DIRECTORY]
                        Start the server in this directory
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  Server type: multicore|multinode
  -n NODES [NODES ...], --nodes NODES [NODES ...]
                        Add nodes
  -c CORES, --cores CORES
                        Number of cores
  -r REMOVE [REMOVE ...], --remove REMOVE [REMOVE ...]
                        Remove nodes