Python Interface to NeXus¶
The Python interface to NeXus is provided by the nexusformat package, which is distributed separately from NeXpy.
The Python API can be used within a standard Python or IPython shell:
$ python
Python 3.10.6 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Aug 22 2022, 20:41:54) [Clang 13.0.1 ] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from import *
Although wildcard imports are usually discouraged in Python, all the imported functions and variables start with ‘nx’ or ‘NX’, so the risk of namespace conflicts should be small.
See also
A Jupyter notebook provides a tutorial for the Python API. It can be run in Google Colaboratory.
Loading NeXus Data¶
The entire tree structure of a NeXus file can be loaded by a single command:
>>> a=nxload('sns/data/ARCS_7326_tof.nxs')
The assigned variable now contains the entire tree structure of the file, which can be displayed by printing the ‘tree’ property:
>>> print(a.tree)
@HDF5_Version = '1.8.2'
@NeXus_version = '4.2.1'
@file_name = 'ARCS_7326_tof.nxs'
@file_time = '2010-05-05T01:59:25-05:00'
@axes = ['rotation_angle' 'tilt_angle' 'sample_angle' 'time_of_flight']
@signal = 'data'
data = float32(631x461x4x825)
rotation_angle = float32(632)
@units = 'degree'
sample_angle = float32(5)
@units = 'degree'
tilt_angle = float32(462)
@units = 'degree'
time_of_flight = float32(826)
@units = 'microsecond'
run_number = '7326'
pulse_time = 2854.947473649946
@units = 'microsecond'
Individual data items are immediately accessible from the command-line:
>>> print(a.entry.run_number)
Only the tree structure and the values of smaller data sets are read from the file to avoid using up memory unnecessarily. In the above example, only the types and dimensions of the larger data sets are displayed in the tree. Data is loaded only when it is needed, for plotting or calculations, either as a complete array, if memory allows, or as a series of slabs (see below).
The maximum size of data that will be read from a file into
memory can be configured using nxsetconfig
. Details of
other configuration variables are described later.
There is a second optional argument to the load module that defines the access mode for the existing data. For example, the following opens the file in read/write mode:
>>> a=nxload('chopper.nxs', mode='rw')
The default mode is ‘r’, i.e., readonly access. The nxload function will accept any mode values allowed when opening h5py files, such as ‘r+’, ‘w’, ‘w-‘, and ‘a’ (see the h5py documentation for more details), but once open, the mode values are stored as ‘r’ or ‘rw’.
If the file is opened in read/write mode, any changes are
made automatically to the file itself. In particular, any
deletions of file objects will be irreversible. If
necessary, a backup of the file can be made using the
See also
Creating NeXus Data¶
It is just as easy to create new NeXus data sets from scratch using NumPy arrays. The following example shows the creation of a simple function, which is then saved to a file:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x=y=np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,101)
>>> X,Y=np.meshgrid(x,y)
>>> z=np.sin(X)*np.sin(Y)
>>> a=NXdata(z,[y,x])
This file can then be loaded again:
>>> b=nxload('function.nxs')
>>> print(b.tree)
@HDF5_Version = '1.12.2'
@file_name = '/home/username/function.nxs'
@file_time = '2023-02-10T15:50:17.419158'
@h5py_version = '3.7.0'
@nexusformat_version = '1.0.0'
@axes = ['axis1', 'axis2']
@signal = 'signal'
axis1 = float64(101)
axis2 = float64(101)
signal = float64(101x101)
The save() method automatically wraps any valid NeXus data in an NXentry group, in order to produce a standard-compliant file. See Saving NeXus Data for more details.
NeXus Objects¶
NeXus data are stored in a hierarchical tree structure, much like a computer file system. NeXus data structures consist of groups, with base class NXgroup, which can contain fields, with base class NXfield, and/or other groups.
NeXus Fields¶
NeXus data values are stored in NeXus objects of class ‘NXfield’. The NXfield class wraps standard NumPy arrays, scalars, and Python strings so that additional metadata (or attributes) and methods can be associated with them.
There are three ways to create an NXfield.
Direct assignment:
>>> x = NXfield(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,101), units='degree')
The data value is given by the first positional argument, and may be a Python scalar or string, or a NumPy array. In this method, keyword arguments can be used to define NXfield attributes.
Dictionary assignment to the NeXus group:
>>> a['entry/sample/temperature']=40.0
Attribute assignment as the child of a NeXus group:
>>> a.entry.sample.temperature=40.0
The assigned values are automatically converted to an NXfield:
>>> a.entry.sample.temperature NXfield(40.0)Dictionary and attribute assignments are equivalent, but dictionary assignments should always be used if there is a danger of a name clash with, for example, group or field methods. They are also recommended when writing scripts. Attribute assignments are allowed because they are much faster to type in interactive sessions.
When using the NeXpy GUI shell (see Python Graphical User Interface), it is possible to use tab completion to check for possible name clashes with NXfield methods. Autocompletion can be added as an extension to IPython sessions as well:
>>> from import load_ipython_extension
>>> load_ipython_extension(get_ipython())
The data in an NXfield can be of type integer, float, or character. The type is normally inherited automatically from the data type of the Python object, although it is possible to define alternative (but compatible) datatypes. For example, a float64 array can be converted to float32 on assignment:
>>> x=np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi,101)
>>> x.dtype
>>> a=NXfield(x, dtype='float32')
>>> a.dtype
>>> b=NXfield('Some Text')
>>> b.dtype, b.shape
(dtype('O'), ())
Numeric dtypes can be defined either as a string, e.g., ‘int16’, ‘float32’, or using the NumPy dtypes, e.g., np.int16, np.float32.
By default, Python strings are stored as variable-length strings in the HDF5 file. These use a special object dtype defined by h5py (see the h5py documentation). If you wish to store fixed length strings, specify a dtype of kind ‘S’, e.g., ‘S10’ when creating the NXfield.
If you wish to store an array of strings containing Unicode characters as fixed-length strings, convert them to byte strings first using UTF-8 encoding, e.g.:
>>> text_array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'é']
>>> a=NXfield([t.encode('utf8') for t in text_array], dtype='S')
>>> a
NXfield(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'é'])
>>> a.dtype
The shape and dimension sizes of an integer or float array are inherited from the assigned NumPy array. It is possible to initialize an NXfield array without specifying the data values in advance, e.g., if the data is too large to be stored in memory and has to be written as slabs:
>>> a=NXfield(dtype=np.float32, shape=[2048,2048,2048])
>>> a
NXfield(shape=(2048, 2048, 2048), dtype=float32)
More details of handling large arrays are given below.
NeXus attributes¶
The NeXus standard allows additional attributes to be attached to NXfields to contain metadata
>>> a['entry/sample/temperature'].units='K'
These have a class of NXattr. They can be defined using the ‘attrs’ dictionary if necessary to avoid name clashes:
>>> a['entry/sample/temperature'].attrs['units']='K'
Other common attributes include the ‘signal’ and ‘axes’ attributes used to define the plottable signal and independent axes, respectively, in a NXdata group.
When a NeXus tree is printed, the attributes are prefixed by ‘@’:
>>> print(a.entry.sample.tree)
temperature = 40.0
@units = 'K'
Masked Arrays¶
NumPy has the ability to store arrays with masks to remove missing or invalid data from computations of, e.g., averages or maxima. Since Matplotlib is able to handle masked arrays and removes masked data from plots, this is a convenient way of preventing bad data from contaminating statistical analyses, while preserving all the data values, good and bad, i.e., masks can be turned on and off.
NeXpy uses the same syntax as NumPy for masking and unmasking data.
>>> z = NXfield([1,2,3,4,5,6], name='z')
>>> z[3:5] =
>>> z
NXfield(masked_array(data=[1, 2, 3, --, --, 6],
mask=[False, False, False, True, True, False],
>>> z.mask
array([False, False, False, True, True, False])
>>> z.mask[3] =
>>> z
NXfield(masked_array(data=[1, 2, 3, 4, --, 6],
mask=[False, False, False, False, True, False],
If you perform any operations on a masked array, those operations are not performed on the masked values. It is not advisable to remove a mask if you have modified the unmasked values.
If the NXfield does not have a parent group, the mask is stored within the field as in NumPy arrays. However, if the NXfield has a parent group, the mask is stored in a separate NXfield that is generated automatically by the mask assignment or whenever the masked NXfield is assigned to a group. The mask is identified by the ‘mask’ attribute of the masked NXfield.
>>> print(NXlog(z).tree)
z = [1 2 3 4 -- 6]
@mask = 'z_mask'
z_mask = [False False False False True False]
The mask can then be saved to the NeXus file if required.
In principle, the NXfield containing the mask can be modified manually, but it is recommended that modifications to the mask use the methods described above.
Masks can also be set using the Projection panel in the Python Graphical User Interface.
Large Arrays¶
If the size of an array is too large to be loaded into memory (see Loading NeXus Data), the NXfield can be created without any initial values, and then filled incrementally as slabs:
>>> entry['data/z'] = NXfield(shape=(1000,1000,1000), dtype=np.float32)
>>> for i in range(1000):[i,:,:] = np.ones(shape=(1000,1000), dtype=np.float32)
If entry
in the above example is already stored in a NeXus file
(with write access), then entry['data/z']
is automatically updated
in the file. If it is not stored in a file, the field is stored in an
HDF5 core memory file that will be copied to the NeXus file when it is
When initializing the NXfield, it is possible to specify a number of HDF5 attributes that specify how the data are stored.
>>> z = NXfield(shape=(1000,1000,1000), dtype=np.float32, compression='lzf')
This specifies the compression filter used. For large arrays, the data are compressed with the
filter by default.Chunk size:
>>> z = NXfield(shape=(1000,1000,1000), dtype=np.float32, chunks=(1,100,100))
If chunk sizes are not specified, e.g., with
, HDF5 will choose default sizes.Maximum array shape:
>>> z = NXfield(shape=(10,1000,1000), dtype=np.float32, maxshape=(1000,1000,1000))
The initial shape is defined by the
attribute, but it will be automatically expanded up to a limit ofmaxshape
if necessary using the NXfieldresize
function.>>> z.resize((100,1000,1000)) >>> z.shape (100, 1000, 1000)
Fill value:
>>> z = NXfield(shape=(1000,1000,1000), dtype=np.float32, fillvalue=np.nan)
Slabs that are not initialized will contain the specified fill value. This is normally set to zero by default.
All these values can be adjusted at the command line until the first
slab has been written, whether to a file or in core memory, using the
, chunks
, maxshape
or fillvalue
>>> z = NXfield(shape=(1000,1000,1000), dtype=np.float32)
>>> z.compression = 'lzf'
NeXus Groups¶
NeXus groups are defined as subclasses of the NXgroup class, with the class name defining the type of information they contain, e.g., the NXsample class contains metadata that define the measured sample, such as its temperature or lattice parameters. The initialization parameters can be used to populate the group with other predefined NeXus objects, either groups or fields:
>>> temperature = NXfield(40.0, units='K')
>>> sample = NXsample(temperature=temperature)
>>> print(sample.tree)
temperature = 40.0
@units = 'K'
In this example, it was necessary to use the keyword form to add the NXfield ‘temperature’ since its name is otherwise undefined within the NXsample group. However, the name is set automatically if the NXfield is assigned to the group:
>>> sample = NXsample()
>>> sample['temperature']=NXfield(40.0, units='K')
>>> print(sample.tree)
temperature = 40.0
@units = 'K'
The NeXus objects in a group (NXfields or NXgroups) can be accessed as dictionary items:
>>> sample['temperature'] = 40.0
>>> sample.keys()
It is also possible to reference objects by their complete paths with respect to the root object, e.g., root[‘/entry/sample/temperature’].
If a group is not created as another group attribute, its internal name defaults to the class name without the ‘NX’ prefix. This can be useful in automatically creating nested groups:
>>> a=NXentry(NXsample(temperature=40.0),NXinstrument(NXdetector(distance=10.8)))
>>> print(a.tree)
distance = 10.8
temperature = 40.0
See also
Existing NeXus objects can also be inserted directly into
groups. See
NXdata Groups¶
NXdata groups contain data ready to be plotted. That means that the group should consist of an NXfield containing the signal and one or more NXfields containing the axes. NeXus defines a method of associating axes with the appropriate dimension, but NeXpy provides a simple constructor that implements this method automatically. This was already demonstrated in the example above, reproduced here:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x=y=np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,101)
>>> X,Y=np.meshgrid(x,y)
>>> z=np.sin(X)*np.sin(Y)
>>> a=NXdata(z,[y,x])
The first positional argument is an NXfield or NumPy array containing the data, while the second is a list containing the axes, again as NXfields or NumPy arrays. In this example, the names of the arrays have not been defined within an NXfield so default names were assigned:
>>> print(a.tree)
@axes = ['axis1' 'axis2']
@signal = signal
axis1 = float64(101)
axis2 = float64(101)
signal = float64(101x101)
The plottable signal and axes are identified by the ‘signal’ and ‘axes’ attributes of the NXdata group. The ‘axes’ attribute defines the axes as a list of NXfield names. The NXdata constructor sets these attributes automatically.
NumPy stores arrays by default in C, or row-major, order,
i.e., in the array ‘signal(axis1,axis2)’, axis2 is the
fastest to vary. In most image formats, e.g., TIFF
files, the x-axis is assumed to be the fastest varying
axis, so we are adopting the same convention and plotting
as signal[y,x]
. The Python Graphical User Interface allows the x and
y axes to be swapped.
Names can be assigned explicitly when creating the NXfield through the ‘name’ attribute:
>>> phi=NXfield(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,101), name='polar_angle')
>>> data=NXfield(np.sin(phi), name='intensity')
>>> a=NXdata(data,(phi,))
>>> print(a.tree)
@axes = 'polar_angle'
@signal = 'intensity'
intensity = float64(101)
polar_angle = float64(101)
In the above example, the x-axis, phi
, was defined as a
tuple in the second positional argument of the NXdata call.
It could also have been defined as a list. However, in the
case of one-dimensional signals, it would also have been
acceptable just to call NXdata(data, phi)
, i.e.,
without embedding the axis in a tuple or list.
It is also possible to define the plottable signal and axes using the
and nxaxes
properties, respectively:
>>> phi=np.linspace(0,2*np.pi, 101)
>>> a=NXdata()
>>> a.nxsignal=NXfield(np.sin(phi), name='intensity')
>>> a.nxaxes=NXfield(phi, name='polar_angle')
>>> print(a.tree)
@axes = 'polar_angle'
@signal = 'intensity'
intensity = float64(101)
polar_angle = float64(101)
Similarly, signal errors can be added using the nxerrors
>>> a.nxerrors = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.sin(phi)))
>>> print(a.tree)
@axes = 'polar_angle'
@signal = 'intensity'
intensity = float64(101)
intensity_errors = float64(101)
polar_angle = float64(101)
In a NXdata group, errors for each field are defined by another field with ‘_errors’ appended to the name.
NeXus Links¶
NeXus allows groups and fields to be assigned to multiple locations
through the use of links. These objects have the class NXlink and
contain the attribute target
, which identifies the parent object. It
is also possible to link to fields in another NeXus file (see External
Links below).
For example, the polar angle and time-of-flight arrays may logically be stored with the detector information in a NXdetector group that is one of the NXinstrument subgroups:
>>> print(entry['instrument'].tree)
distance = float32(128)
@units = 'metre'
polar_angle = float32(128)
@units = 'radian'
time_of_flight = float32(8252)
@target = '/entry/instrument/detector/time_of_flight'
@units = 'microsecond'
However, they may also be needed as plotting axes in a NXdata group:
>>> print(entry['data'].tree)
@axes = ['polar_angle' 'time_of_flight']
@signal = data
data = uint32(128x8251)
polar_angle = float32(128)
@target = '/entry/instrument/detector/polar_angle'
@units = 'radian'
time_of_flight = float32(8252)
@target = '/entry/instrument/detector/time_of_flight'
@units = 'microsecond'
Links allow the same data to be used in different contexts without using more memory or disk space.
In earlier verions, links were required to have the same name as their parents, but this restriction has now been lifted.
In the Python API, the user who is only interested in accessing the data
does not need to worry if the object is parent or child. The data values
and NeXus attributes of the parent to the NXlink object can be accessed
directly through the child object. The parent object can be referenced
directly, if required, using the nxlink
>>> entry['data/time_of_flight']
>>> entry['data/time_of_flight'].nxdata
array([ 500., 502., 504., ..., 16998., 17000., 17002.], dtype=float32)
>>> entry['data/time_of_flight'].units
>>> entry['data/time_of_flight'].nxlink
The absolute path of the data with respect to the root object of the NeXus tree is given by the nxpath property:
>>> entry['data/time_of_flight'].nxpath
>>> entry['data/time_of_flight'].nxlink.nxpath
Creating a Link¶
Links can be created using the target object as the argument assigned to another group:
>>> print(root.tree)
polar_angle = float64(192)
@units = 'radian'
>>> root['entry/data/polar_angle']=NXlink(root['entry/instrument/detector/polar_angle'])
It is also possible to create links using the makelink method, which takes the parent object and, optionally, a new name as arguments:
>>> root['entry/data'].makelink(root['entry/instrument/detector/polar_angle'])
>>> print(root.tree)
polar_angle = float64(192)
@target = '/entry/instrument/detector/polar_angle'
@units = 'radian'
polar_angle = float64(192)
@target = '/entry/instrument/detector/polar_angle'
@units = 'radian'
After creating the link, both the parent and target objects
have an additional attribute, target
, showing the
absolute path of the parent.
External Links¶
It is also possible to link to a NeXus field that is stored in another file. This is accomplished using a similar syntax to internal links.
>>> root['entry/data/data'] = NXlink('/counts', file='external_counts.nxs')
In the case of external links, the first argument is the absolute path of the linked object within the external file, while the second argument is the absolute or relative file path of the external file.
By default, the target file path is converted to a relative path with
respect to the parent file. If it is required to store the absolute file
path, add the keyword argument, abspath=True
>>> root['entry/data/data'] = NXlink('/counts',
If the files are moved without preserving their relative file paths, the parent file will still open but the link will be broken.
Plotting NeXus Data¶
NXdata, NXmonitor, and NXlog groups all have a plot method, which automatically determines what should be plotted:
>>> data.plot()
Note that the plot method uses the NeXus attributes within the groups to determine automatically which NXfield is the signal, what its rank and dimensions are, and which NXfields define the plottable axes. The same command will work for one-dimensional or two-dimensional data. If you plot higher-dimensional data, the top two-dimensional slice is plotted. Alternative two-dimensional slices can be specified using slice indices on the NXdata group.
If the interpretation
attribute is set to ‘rgb’ or ‘rgba’
and the final dimension is of size 3 or 4, the NXdata group
will be plotted as an image using the colors defined by the
final dimension. By default, images are displayed with the
origin in the top-left corner.
If the data is one-dimensional, it is possible to overplot more than one data set using ‘over=True’. By default, each plot has a new color, but conventional Matplotlib keywords can be used to change markers and colors:
>>> data.plot(log=True)
>>> data.plot('r-')
>>> data.plot(over=True, log=True, color='r')
If the NXdata group contains RGB(A) image data, i.e., the signal is a three-dimensional array, in which the fastest varying dimension, which should be of size 3 or 4, contains the RGB(A) values for each two-dimensional pixel, then the image can be plotted using the ‘image=True’.
>>> data.plot(image=True)
By convention, the first pixel of an image is in the upper-left corner, rather than the lower-left used in other two-dimensional plots.
The plot method also works on NXroot and NXentry groups, if
they are able to identify plottable data. If the default
attribute is set, the default NXentry and/or NXdata groups
are used. Otherwise, the first valid NXdata group found in an
iterative search is used.
Additional Plot Methods¶
As a convenience, additional plot methods can be used instead of adding extra keywords.
>>> data.oplot()
>>> data.logplot()
>>> data.implot()
These are equivalent to setting the ‘over’, ‘log’, and ‘image’ keywords to True when invoking the plot method.
Manipulating NeXus Data¶
Arithmetic Operations¶
NXfields usually consist of arrays of numeric data with associated metadata, the NeXus attributes (the exception is when they contain character strings). This makes them similar to NumPy arrays, and this module allows the use of NXfields in numerical operations as if they were NumPy ndarrays:
>>> x = NXfield((1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0))
>>> print(x+1)
[ 2. 3. 4. 5.]
>>> print(2*x)
[ 2. 4. 6. 8.]
>>> print(x/2)
[ 0.5 1. 1.5 2. ]
>>> print(x**2)
[ 1. 4. 9. 16.]
>>> x.reshape((2,2))
NXfield([[ 1. 2.]
[ 3. 4.]])
>>> y = NXfield((0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5))
>>> x+y
NXfield(name=x,value=[ 1.5 3.5 5.5 7.5])
>>> x*y
NXfield(name=x,value=[ 0.5 3. 7.5 14. ])
>>> (x+y).shape
>>> (x+y).dtype
Such operations return valid NXfield objects containing the same attributes as the first NXobject in the expression. The ‘reshape’ and ‘transpose’ methods also return NXfield objects.
NXfields can be compared to other NXfields (this is a comparison of their NumPy arrays):
>>> y=NXfield(np.array((1.5,2.5,3.5)),name='y')
>>> x == y
NXfields are technically not a sub-class of the NumPy ndarray
but they are cast as NumPy arrays when required by NumPy operations,
returning either another NXfield or, in some cases, an array that can
easily be converted to an NXfield:
>>> x = NXfield((1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0))
>>> x.size
>>> x.sum()
>>> x.max()
>>> x.mean()
>>> x.var()
>>> x.reshape((2,2)).sum(1)
array([ 3., 7.])
>>> np.sin(x)
array([ 0.84147098, 0.90929743, 0.14112001, -0.7568025 ])
>>> np.sqrt(x)
array([ 1. , 1.41421356, 1.73205081, 2. ])
>>> print(NXdata(np.sin(x), (x)).tree)
@axes = 'x'
@signal = 'signal'
signal = [ 0.84147098 0.90929743 0.14112001 -0.7568025 ]
x = [ 1. 2. 3. 4.]
If a function will only accept a NumPy array, use the
attribute, which returns the stored NumPy array.
>>> x.nxvalue
array([1., 2., 3., 4.])
Similar operations can also be performed on whole NXdata groups. If two NXdata groups are to be added, the rank and dimensions of the main signal array must match (although the names could be different):
>>> y=NXfield(np.sin(x),name='y')
>>> y
NXfield(name=y,value=[ 0.99749499 0.59847214 -0.35078323])
>>> a=NXdata(y,x)
>>> print(a.tree)
@axes = 'x'
@signal = 'y'
x = [ 1.5 2.5 3.5]
y = [ 0.99749499 0.59847214 -0.35078323]
>>> print((a+1).tree)
@axes = 'x'
@signal = 'y'
x = [ 1.5 2.5 3.5]
y = [ 1.99749499 1.59847214 0.64921677]
>>> print((2*a).tree)
@axes = 'x'
@signal = 'y'
x = [ 1.5 2.5 3.5]
y = [ 1.99498997 1.19694429 -0.70156646]
>>> print((a+a).tree)
@axes = 'x'
@signal = 'y'
x = [ 1.5 2.5 3.5]
y = [ 1.99498997 1.19694429 -0.70156646]
>>> print((a-a).tree)
@axes = 'x'
@signal = 'y'
x = [ 1.5 2.5 3.5]
y = [ 0. 0. 0.]
>>> print((a/2).tree)
@axes = 'x'
@signal = 'y'
x = [ 1.5 2.5 3.5]
y = [ 0.49874749 0.29923607 -0.17539161]
If data errors are included in the NXdata group, then the errors are propagated according to the operand:
>>> print(a.tree)
@axes = 'x'
@signal = 'y'
x = [ 1.5 2.5 3.5]
y = [ 0.99749499 0.59847214 0.35078323]
y_errors = [ 0.99874671 0.77360981 0.59226956]
>>> print((a+a).tree)
@axes = 'x'
@signal = 'y'
x = [ 1.5 2.5 3.5]
y = [ 1.99498997 1.19694429 0.70156646]
y_errors = [ 1.41244114 1.09404949 0.83759564]
Some statistical operations can be performed on the NXdata group.
:Returns the sum of the NXdata signal data. If the axis is not specifed, the total is returned. Otherwise, it is summed along the specified axis. The result is a new NXdata group containing a copy of all the metadata contained in the original NXdata group:
>>> x=np.linspace(0, 3., 4) >>> y=np.linspace(0, 2., 3) >>> X,Y=np.meshgrid(x,y) >>> a=NXdata(X*Y,(y,x)) >>> print(a.tree) data:NXdata @axes = ['axis1' 'axis2'] @signal = 'signal' axis1 = [ 0. 1. 2. 3.] axis2 = [ 0. 1. 2.] signal = float64(3x4) >>> a.nxsignal NXfield([[ 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 1. 2. 3.] [ 0. 2. 4. 6.]]) >>> a.sum() 18.0 >>> a.sum(0).nxsignal NXfield([ 0. 3. 6. 9.]) >>> a.sum(1).nxsignal NXfield([ 0. 6. 12.])
:Returns the average of the NXdata signal data. This is identical to the sum method, but the result is divided by the number of data elements in the summation:
>>> a.average() 1.5 >>> a.average(0).nxsignal NXfield([ 0., 1., 2., 3.]) >>> a.average(1).nxsignal NXfield([ 0. , 1.5, 3. ])
:Returns an NXfield containing the first moment of the NXdata group assuming the signal is one-dimensional:
>>> x=np.linspace(0, 10., 11) >>> y=np.exp(-(x-3)**2) >>> a=NXdata(y,x) >>> a.moment() 3.0000002539776141
A slice of an NXfield can be obtained using the usual Python indexing syntax:
>>> x=NXfield(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,101))
>>> print(x[0:51])
[ 0. 0.06283185 0.12566371 ..., 3.01592895 3.0787608 3.14159265]
If either of the indices are floats, then the limits are set by the values themselves (assuming the array is monotonic):
>>> print(x[0.5:1.5])
[ 0.50265482 0.56548668 0.62831853 ..., 1.38230077 1.44513262 1.50796447]
It is also possible to slice whole NXdata groups. In this case, the slicing works on the multidimensional NXfield, but the full NXdata group is returned with both the signal data and the associated axes limited by the slice parameters. If either of the limits along any one axis is a float, the limits are set by the values of the axis:
>>> a=NXdata(np.sin(x),x)
>>> a[1.5:2.5].x
NXfield(name=x,value=[ 1.57079633 1.72787596 1.88495559 ..., 2.19911486 2.35619449])
Unless the slice reduces one of the axes to a single item, the rank of the data remains the same. To project data along one of the axes, and so reduce the rank by one, the data can be summed along that axis using the sum() method. This employs the NumPy array sum() method:
>>> x=y=NXfield(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,41))
>>> X,Y=np.meshgrid(x,y)
>>> a=NXdata(np.sin(X)*np.sin(Y), (y,x))
>>> print(a.tree)
@axes = ['axis1' 'axis2']
@signal = 'signal'
axis1 = float64(41)
axis2 = float64(41)
signal = float64(41x41)
>>> print(a.sum(0).tree)
@axes = 'axis2'
@signal = 'signal'
axis2 = float64(41)
signal = float64(41)
@long_name = 'Integral from 0.0 to 6.28318530718'
This can be extended to higher dimensions, using a tuple as the sum() argument. The following code projects a NXdata group, whose signal is a three-dimensional array, down to a one-dimensional NXdata group. The average values of the summed axes are stored as fields, with attributes showing the range of the summation.
>>> signal=NXfield(np.arange(60).reshape((3,4,5)), name='v')
>>> x=NXfield(np.arange(5.0), name='x')
>>> y=NXfield(np.arange(4.0), name='y')
>>> z=NXfield(np.arange(3.0), name='z')
>>> d=NXdata(signal, (z, y, x))
>>> print(d.tree)
@axes = ['z', 'y', 'x']
@signal = 'v'
v = int64(3x4x5)
x = float64(5)
y = float64(4)
z = [0. 1. 2.]
>>> print(d.sum((0,1)).tree)
@axes = 'x'
@signal = 'v'
@summed_bins = 12
title = 'data/data'
v = int64(5)
x = float64(5)
y = 1.5
@maximum = 3.0
@minimum = 0.0
@summed_bins = 4
z = 1.0
@maximum = 2.0
@minimum = 0.0
@summed_bins = 3
The Python Graphical User Interface provides a menu-based approach to simplify the plotting of 1D and 2D data projections of multidimensional data.
Saving NeXus Data¶
Every NeXus object, whether it is a group or a field, has a save() method as illustrated in Creating NeXus Data.:
NXroot Groups¶
If the NeXus object is a NXroot group, the save() method saves the whole NeXus tree. The filename can only be omitted if the tree is being saved to a file that was loaded with read/write access. In this case, the format argument is ignored. If the tree was loaded with readonly access, any modifications must be saved to a new file specified by the filename argument.
Other Objects¶
If the object is not a NXroot group, a new file will be created containing the selected object and its children. A filename must be specified. Saving non-NXroot data allows parts of a NeXus tree to be saved for later use, e.g., to store an NXsample group that will be added to other files. The saved NeXus object is wrapped in an NXroot group and an NXentry group (with name ‘entry’), if necessary, in order to produce a valid NeXus file.
NeXus File Operations¶
Changes to a NeXus tree that has been loaded from disk or saved to a file are automatically updated in the HDF5 file, assuming that it is opened with read/write permissions. This means that the tree is always an accurate representation of the current state of the NeXus file, unless it has been modified by an external process, in which case, the file should be reloaded.
In the Python Graphical User Interface, the lock icon color for an externally modified file changes to red.
When a file is loaded, using the nxload
function, the nxfile
attribute of the root group is an NXFile
object, which is thin
wrapper over the underlying h5py.File object:
>>> root = nxload('chopper.nxs', 'r')
>>> root['entry']
>>> root.nxfile['/entry']
<HDF5 group "/entry" (10 members)>
The nxload
function can also be used to create a new file with the
mode set to ‘w’. Any keywords accepted by h5py.File can be used to
customize the new HDF5 file, e.g., to turn on SWMR mode.
There is usually no need to call the nxfile
except to invoke the context manager (see next section).
If it is referenced, the underlying h5py.File
is left open. It should be explicitly closed by calling
. The current status of the file can be determined by calling root.nxfile.is_open()
Multiple operations¶
When a change is made to a NeXus file, which is open with read/write access, it is automatically opened, updated, and then closed to ensure that any changes are flushed to the file and other processes can read the file if necessary. When writing or modifying multiple items in the file, it is possible to use a context manager to prevent multiple open/close operations:
>>> with root.nxfile:
>>> root['entry/sample'] = NXsample()
>>> root['entry/sample/temperature'] = NXfield(40.0, units='K')
>>> root['entry/sample/mass'] = NXfield(5.0, units='g')
The file will be opened at the start of the of the with
clause and
closed automatically at the end.
This context manager can be nested so it is safe to add a with
clause within a function that might, in some implementations, be
embedded in another with
clause. The file is only closed when the
outermost context manager is exited.
In v0.7.7, the ability to use a context manager directly with NXroot
objects, rather than its associated NXfile
, was added. This allows
the use of a similar syntax to the Python open
function, in which a
clause ensuring that the file is opened and closed, before and
after the file access, respectively. To make this analogy clearer,
was added as an alias to nxload
In the following code, a NeXus file is created, filled with NeXus objects and then closed.
>>> with nxopen('nexus_file.nxs', 'w') as root:
>>> root['entry'] = NXentry()
>>> root['entry/sample'] = NXsample()
>>> root['entry/sample/temperature'] = NXfield(40.0, units='K')
File Locking¶
The context manager can also be used to lock the NeXus file to prevent other processes from accessing the file. According to the HDF5 documentation, concurrent read access is supported if the HDF5 library has been built as thread-safe. This appears to be the default with conda installations, for example. However, concurrent read and write access is only allowed when using SWMR mode. To prevent issues with multiple processes accessing the same file, nexusformat contains a simple file-locking mechanism, which is designed to work even when the processes are running on separate nodes and when other file-locking mechanisms might prove unreliable (e.g., on NFS-mounted disks).
Unfortunately, the word ‘lock’ can cause confusion because it is commonly used to refer to two different operations. The other one is to switch a file from read/write to read-only mode, e.g.,
>>> root.lock()
This operation will prevent the current process from writing to the file, but it does not add a file lock to prevent I/O conflicts with other processes.
A new file is created with the same name as the NeXus file, with the additional extension ‘.lock’. Other processes using the nexusformat package will wait until the lock is cleared before performing any further I/O operations. By default, this lock file is created in the same directory as the NeXus file, but this will fail if the user does not have sufficient permissions to create the file in that directory. For this reason, it is possible to define another directory with relaxed group and/or world permissions to store the lock files.
Configuring File Locks¶
File-locking is configured using nxgetconfig
and nxsetconfig
(see next section). File locking is enabled by setting a non-zero value
for the lock
parameter, which defines the length of time the process
will wait before triggering a NXLockException
exception. Then, the
context manager described above will create and remove the lock file at
the beginning and end of the with
clause, respectively.
>>> nxgetconfig('lock')
>>> nxsetconfig(lock=10)
>>> with root.nxfile:
>>> root['entry/sample'] = NXsample()
>>> root['entry/sample/temperature'] = NXfield(40.0, units='K')
The lock file name is the name of the NeXus file with .lock
appended. If a stale lock is encountered, it may be cleared by calling
>>> root.nxfile.is_locked()
>>> root.nxfile.clear_lock()
>>> root.nxfile.is_locked()
This lock is advisory. It is only guaranteed to work if the external process is also using nexusformat.
Configuration Parameters¶
The nexusformat package uses a number of parameters to configure its
default behavior. These are stored internally in a dictionary, which may
be read or modified using the nxgetconfig
and nxsetconfig
functions, respectively.
>>> nxgetconfig()
{'compression': 'gzip',
'encoding': 'utf-8',
'lock': 0,
'lockexpiry': 28800,
'lockdirectory': None,
'maxsize': 10000,
'memory': 2000,
'recursive': False}
>>> nxsetconfig(memory=4000)
>>> nxgetconfig('memory')
Here is a list of the current configuration parameters and their defaults.
:This sets the default HDF5 compression filter. The default is ‘gzip’.
:This sets the default encoding for input strings. The default is ‘utf-8’.
:This sets the number of seconds before an attempted file lock acquisition times out. The default is 10 seconds. If set to 0, file locking is disabled (but see below).
:This sets the number of seconds before a file lock is considered stale. If the lock file is older than this value, a new lock can be acquired. The default is 28,800 seconds (8 hours).
:This defines the path to a directory, in which to store the lock files. The directory should be set to allow users to create files. The default is None, in which case, file locks are stored in the same directory as the NeXus file to be locked.
is defined, thelock
parameter is automatically set to 10 seconds if the currently set value is 0, i.e., defining a lock directory is enough to enable file locking.
:This sets the maximum size of an array before HDF5 chunking and compression is turned on by default. The default is 10,000.
:This sets the memory limit (in MB) for loading arrays into memory. If a field contains data that is larger than this limit, it can only be accessed as a series of smaller slabs using the standard slicing syntax. The default is 2000 MB.
:This sets the default method of loading NeXus files. If the value is set to True, all objects in the file are loaded (lazily) into memory. If set to False, only the first two levels of hierarchy are initially loaded. Lower levels are loaded when they are referenced. This includes tests for the existence of object paths in the file. The default is False.
Environment variables¶
The configuration parameters can also be set by defining environment variables, defined either in a user’s login files or by a system administrator. This is particularly useful for setting a system-wide lock-file directory for all users accessing the same data.
When the nexusformat package is loaded, environment variables take
precedence over the package defaults. The user can still override them
manually by calling nxsetconfig
All of the configuration parameters defined in the previous section can be defined. The equivalent environment variable name is constructed by prefixing the parameter name in upper case by ‘NX_’, e.g., ‘NX_COMPRESSION’, ‘NX_ENCODING’, etc.